Thursday, August 21, 2008

"Be My SOUL" - Vio Stanley R2W '07, '08

If I could choose you to be any part of my body, I'd choose you to be my SOUL and I know it might sound a bit confusing because to be a soul is to be untouchable and to be a body part is to be tangible. But baby you see our bond and our love is beyond reach and out of sight! & I could have easily chosen you to be my HEART but I want you to be able to explore my body and really love me for who I am on the inside rather than be my EYES so that you could judge the acne on my face or be my HANDS so that you could hate the touch of my extra bagage.

I want you to be my SOUL because I want you to know what I'm THINKING of and know that it is you that I'm thinking about. FEEL what I'm feeling and know that I feel for you. SEE what I'm seeing and know that I'm seeing myself see you. HEAR me hearing you as you take one last look at my HEART and know that your name is written all over it.

Do you really want to know why I'd choose you to be my SOUL? Because as I close my EYES for all of eternity, I wouldn't regret leaving you in my body. Because when I die I know I'll take my soul to God. & when I said I wanted to be with you for ever.....Baby, I meant I'd give you my SOUL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats what im talking about vio. keep the inspiration flowing. that my new anthem