Friday, February 13, 2009

CLI Reflection by Yesenia Ramos

CLI was amazing. I missed being in such a motivating and powerful space since the summer after R2W. It was cool that the location was Chinatown, it was very powerful. I felt empowered to be in such an amazing place in the heart of such a linked community. The food was also a big plus!!!
For our first check-in I remember being with Michelle and how I loved being in her presence and hearing how her life has been since R2W and seeing how she has grown and then sharing my experience with her. I believe I got really real with her in a way I quite wasn’t at R2W. It was a good feeling to be able to share so much with her at such a small time period. I especially liked meeting new people at CLI. I regret not being able to talk in-depth with them as I would have liked to have been able. But the next CLI retreats I know they wont be able to escape me! It’s a joke! But it was nice seeing everyone and new faces again.
The best aspect of CLI was that I was able to actually resolve my mistake of the summer and get to talk to Crystal and Martha in a deep way. I was very scared to talk to them during R2W and it was great that I had a second chance to make up for that mistake. I was able to talk to Crystal and even though we started with “superficial” in the end we found out that we had a lot in common than what we originally believed. I appreciate the chance to do that cause in life there are not that many second chances and I am fortunate to have been able to have one.
CLI was the best and I love being part of it.

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